John W. Koshak
Listing type: Professional
Region: Southern Region
Company: Elevator Safety Solutions
(619) 726-1419
(619) 726-1419
Mailing address:
2308 Turpins Glen Dr
Germantown, TN 38138 USA
Specialization(s): Capital Planning, Engineering/Design, Equipment Evaluation, Legal/Expert Witnessing, Maintenance Evaluation, Modernization, Specifications
Mr. Koshak entered the elevator industry in 1980 in San Francisco, rising to adjuster in 1983 for Westinghouse Elevator, then an adjuster for Dover, Montgomery, and Amtech Elevator Companies. In 1996, he patented and developed a plunger gripping safety device, known as the LifeJacket. From 1997 to 2001 he was Vice President of Technical Support for Adams Elevator Equipment Company. From 2001 to 2004 he was with Thyssenkrupp Elevator in a research and design capacity and then Director of Codes and Standards in 2004. In 2008 he went full time into his consulting firm, Elevator Safety Solutions, LLC. ESSL specializes in product design and code compliance, forensic analysis of vertical transportation equipment involved in injury incidents. In 2016, he, Daniel Swett and Kenneth Smith founded eMCP LLC to provide code compliant Maintenance Control Programs to owners, consultants, and maintenance companies. eMCP, LLC specializes in improving maintenance by providing true transparency of services, safety codes and standards compliance, maintenance records management, and identifying the true costs of maintenance required by Code.
He holds several US and foreign patents, has authored two books, a novel in 2006 (The Pool Manager) and a technical book on the Maintenance Control Program in 2010 (Maintenance on New Equipment Designs), and has authored three Certified Elevator Technician (CET) Courses; Course 7, Unit 13 Construction Wiring, Equipment and Course 8, Unit 14 Hydraulic Theory and Installation, and Course 6, Traction Theory, Maintenance, Testing, and Safety. He has authored numerous articles and several Continuing Education articles for Elevator World Magazine. He is approved as an instructor in several states providing code education for continuing education credit for mechanic licensing.
He has been a member of the ASME A17 Standards Committee since 2005, Vice Chairman of the Wind Turbine Tower Committee, and member of the Mechanical Design, New Technology, Hydraulic, and Code Coordination Working Committees, ISO USTAG to TC 178, and member of CSA B44, UL, and ANSI Committees. He is a NAESA Certified Elevator Inspector, C2346, a member of the Board of Directors for Elevator World Magazine, and President of the International Association of Elevator Consultants (IAEC). He was formerly a member of the NAEC Education Committee, NAEC Board of Certification for the Certified Elevator Technician (CET) education program, Chairman of the NAEC Codes and Standards Committee, and former Chairman of the Elevator Escalator Safety Foundation.